Fossil Flake

Line-up at Tonfanau

Last Sunday was my first ride out with the club this year.

I would have gone out sooner, really I would but my chain was a bit loose, one indicator was not flashing the right shade of orange and…  ok I’m a fair weather whimp, but anyway it looked like a great day for popping over to Barmouth for an ice cream.

We set out from Telford under a clear sky and the roads were surprisingly empty given the fine weather. We maintained a good pace, despite a slight detour at Welshpool, to the cafe at Mallwyd where Myler caught us up on a different bike to the one he started out on.

Outside the cafe Vey caught us with a selfi before I had chance to put my lippy on, but looks like I got the egg out of my beard at least.

Selfi at the cafe
Selfi at the cafe

Then on to Barmouth for the ice cream… 

… the ice cream was nice but I think the flakes were pre-lockdown stock, a bit wooden!

Over the toll bridge, past Fairbourne, a nice bit of coastal road with clear view over the bay and we popped in to take a look at the motor cycle race track at Tonfanau. 

Two club members who should know better lost £5 each betting Mylers bike would not start again – it did this time – HUSTLER!!!

Line-up at Tonfanau
Line-up outside Tonfanau.

Then a bit of a play on some clear twisty roads on the way home… a great day out.

Christmas Run 2015

The Christmas run was a hugely successful event this year with a turn out of around 200 raising well over £1000 for a selection of charities.

Shropshire Star Article
Bug Splatz Christmas Run 2015 in the Shropshire Star

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Hi, welcome to the new Bug Splatz Rally Club blog.

Here you will find club related news items, details of upcoming events plus archives and galleries of past activities.

We have Facebook pages for real time announcements but these pages are here for static stuff we may need to refer to and they provide a historical record we may want to look back on from time to time. They also cater for anyone looking to join the club to see who we are and what we do.

Any suggestions you may have for additions or improvements to this site please let me know.


Bug Splatz TT Tour 2015

My first year at the Isle of Man TT was a festival of bikes, BBQs and beer (bike riding and beer were, I must point out, consumed separately). I had a fantastic time in great company but realised you are probably safer participating in the racing than just using the public roads on the IoM during TT week, it gets manic.